5 Things to Do After Scraping Through a Sketchy Service
1 minute read
We’ve all been there: the miserable Monday morning staff meeting that follows the Sunday service we barely made it through. Here’s a process I’ve found helpful as I reflect on a service that didn’t go as planned:
- Pray against distraction for your congregation
- Praise God for his sovereignty as your read through Psalm 127
- Pray for active humility and wisdom in your response
- Record specific details and broader information like how it felt in the room
- Consider what went to plan and what didn’t
- Analyse the cause: user error / equipment / lack of planning
- Re-evaluate the achievability of your aims
- Consider providing training to enable your team to serve confidently and consistently
- Consider replacing / servicing faulty equipment
- Actively pursue the solutions – send out the email today
- Have conversations with those involved early on
- Continually develop team training and development processes
- praise God that he uses weak volunteers like us for his glory
- pray for unity among your team and your church
- pray your ministry would increasingly serve your church and God’s kingdom